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Who is Chris?


Whilst running nightclubs a few years ago, I could never have imagined I would be working in the world of wellbeing! Yet here I am - thoroughly enjoying helping a wide range of people with their mental health.

I have received a lot of help with my emotional health over the years, so I have developed a passion for helping other people to sharpen their own skills. 

I like to help people understand how the events of their past influence their present, often completely out of their own awareness. I am also very engaged in helping people move towards their outcomes and goals.


Clients tell me that I am a warm and easy person to talk to, as well being as reliable and insightful. 

Chris Colcomb Cottingham

I have trained to a high level and use some really cool disciplines to help people. I trained both in the UK and California for my Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies (yes, I know it’s a mouthful!). I am a fully qualified and accredited level 7 Psychotherapist, and I continue to develop my path in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. These disciplines give me the tools to understand, empathise and offer treatment to people in a flexible way that really makes sense to my clients. I have been working with, and making a difference to, my clients for around eight years.


As I progress my career I am now a counselling and psychotherapy trainer at Ellesmere Counselling and Psychotherapy Training in Hull. I teach the Core Theory year, alongside the fabulous Anita Holland.

I also recently worked with Life Skills Hub helping them deliver a wide range of interventions with young people in three schools in Hull, Snaith and Scunthorpe. It was great to leave those kids with resilience and a more positive outlook for their future.

Missy Counselling
Honey Psychotherapy
Tigger Coaching

In my spare time, I work voluntarily for a local psychotherapy training, and sit on several committees. I also help organise and sponsor the Humber Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference.


I enjoy walking far too much – and often love to disappear on 10 mile walks around my local area, and beyond. 


I have two cats, Honey and Missy – who you might even meet if you undertake sessions with me. My tabby cat Tigger is also pictured, but sadly passed away. He remains in my thoughts and also here! 

Talking Works
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